The joint private show by Accretech (Thailand), the Thai subsidiary of Tokyo Seimitsu, and Tosei (Thailand) was held in early October, marking its fourth year. This year's event also celebrated Tosei's 20th anniversary, with expanded exhibitions and seminars on measurement automation solutions, attracting a record number of participants.
This article highlights specific examples of measurement automation solutions showcased at this year's private show.
FANUC ROBODRILL (machining) x Robot (internal diameter measurement) x Accretech SURFCOM NEX200 (surface roughness and contour shape measurement)
The process is fully automated: the robot removes the workpiece from the machining unit, measures its internal diameter, and then transfers it to the measurement system, where surface roughness and contour shape are measured simultaneously. This entire process requires no human intervention. The workpiece simply needs to be placed in the designated position, and the system automatically performs the measurements and provides an OK/NG (pass/fail) verdict for each parameter, significantly reducing labor costs.
This solution enables a robot to automatically measure the diameter from various directions by switching gauges. Traditionally, specialized machines were required, and operators measured the diameter manually. By programming the robot, significant time and effort savings have been achieved.
Additionally, Tokyo Seimitsu and other supporting manufacturers showcased a variety of products and solutions designed to automate measurement processes and reduce costs.
A unit that can simultaneously measure roundness and surface roughness.
Previously, after measuring roundness, the workpiece would need to be moved to a separate machine for roughness testing, which was time-consuming. By automating this process and eliminating the need for machine-to-machine movement, significant time and labor savings are achieved. Additionally, with the addition of an XY table, multiple workpieces can be measured simultaneously, further contributing to reduced lead time and manpower savings.
Tokyo Seimitsu's original low-vibration 'linear drive' model measuring instrument enables integrated surface roughness and contour shape measurement in a single unit. It allows multiple measurement points to be taken at once without changing the workpiece's orientation. Traditionally, surface roughness and shape had to be measured separately using different machines, but with this integrated solution, man-hours can be significantly reduced.
■ Okamoto Machine Tools: Fully Automatic Surface Grinding System
Fully automatic surface grinding is achieved by simply placing the workpiece in the chuck and inputting the total allowance. This significantly reduces setup time and streamlines the input process for grinding conditions, increasing efficiency. The system also supports automated measurement, enabling a seamless process from grinding to measurement and resulting in improved productivity.
■ Shigiya Machinery Works: CNC Cylindrical Grinder x In-Process and Post-Process Judgment System
Accretech's exclusive PULCOM W10 sensor is installed on a cylindrical grinding machine, enabling in-process and post-process judgment and control.
■ Murata Machinery (Muratec): Parallel 2-Axis CNC Lathe x In-Process and Post-Process Judgment System
A CNC lathe with 2 spindles, 2 turrets, and a built-in loader, featuring a full range of automation functions, and incorporating Accretech's exclusive PULCOM W10 sensor to enable judgment and measurement without human intervention.
■ Mitsubishi Electric FA: Factory Automation and Centralized Management SCADA System
The SCADA system, "GENESIS64," enables the centralized management and visualization of both FA and IT data. This software monitors and analyzes various data to facilitate factory automation.
It provided information on training assessments and government-supported projects in the manufacturing industry, along with an overview of IoT-related systems and innovation centers.
This year's private show saw the largest attendance to date, with a diverse range of seminar topics that attracted visitors throughout the event.
Sales Manager Asano noted, “In Thailand, we are seeing a gradual increase in interest in measurement automation. However, many companies, while recognizing the challenges they face in adopting automation, are still unsure of how to implement it concretely."
Sales Engineer Mr. Hitomi explained, “Tokyo Seimitsu's strength lies not only in the measurement instruments themselves but also in providing solutions for integrating them into production lines. The private show serves as an opportunity to propose concrete methods for automation and cost reduction, enabling visitors to take home valuable insights. We will continue to enhance this event in the future."