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  • New Mass Production Management Function Added to Process Management Software “AIQ” for Mold and Part Manufacturing!

New Mass Production Management Function Added to Process Management Software “AIQ” for Mold and Part Manufacturing!


The process management software "AIQ" supports the centralized management of order and process information. In March 2023, it was newly equipped with a function for mass production management (English supported), further enhancing its features for manufacturing sites. In this article, in addition to the existing "function for manufacturing" used in mold and part manufacturing sites, we will introduce the new "function for mass production".

Function for Manufacturing: Are Order and Process Information Being Managed Effectively?

The process management software "AIQ" for mold and part manufacturing databases user’s own information, such as equipment, workers, and processes. By registering order and actual work result information, it “visualizes” scheduling, progress, performance, workload, and costs in real time. This software aims to reduce unnecessary and inefficient tasks, thereby enhancing productivity. For example, it can smoothly address challenges such as the following:

Is re-planning and delivery confirmation taking too much time?
Is information sharing facilitated?
Do you feel limits by managing with Excel?
Can the progress be clearly seen?

For on-site managers and production managers struggling with issues such as "file management becoming cumbersome and not being able to share information effectively" and "difficulty in seeing progress because it's left to the on-site personnel," we recommend utilizing AIQ for process management.

Detailed Overview of AIQ Function for Manufacturing

Function for Mass Production: Is inventory of products and materials needed for mass production being managed effectively?

The newly added "function for mass production" incorporate features suitable for factories that produce products in the thousands per day. The system calculates the required quantity based on preliminary order , checks the inventory calendar for product and material shortages and excesses to support optimal material ordering and planning production .

For example, it is recommended for manufacturing sites facing the following challenges related to inventory optimization.

Are there excess inventory?
Are the appropriate timing and quantity grasped for placing orders?
Are the inventory status of raw materials, products/parts in progress, and completed products being monitored?
Is traceability of products and materials ensured?

▪ Lot Management
Tracking can be done using the lot number automatically assigned to each product or material to identify the scope of influence (cause) in the event of a problem or defect.

▪ Shot Management (Mass Production Chart)
The manufacturing timing of consumable parts can be linked to the order information of the manufacturing functions systematically. By managing the number of mold shots and share maintenance information, it is possible to identify parts with high maintenance frequency based on historical record and link this to improvements for the next mold to create.

Options to Meet On-site Challenges and Demands Can be Selected

AIQ offers the flexibility to enhance system scalability by allowing users to freely combine options (modules) based on the items they wish to manage. We will listen to the customer's issues and propose the optimal configuration plan.

▲ List of modules

In Japan and other AIQ sales areas, including Thailand, the following configurations have been increasingly implemented, focusing on function for manufacturing.

・ Visualization of the Production Site
・ Progress Monitoring
・ Management for actual result and cost
・ Improvement through PDCA Cycle
・ Scheduling and Delivery Date Management

AIQ is a software developed in-house by CGS, specialized in the field of mold/die and part manufacturing, and the requests from its users are directly installed in every year’s version up. CGSAC have also established a comprehensive support system in Thailand. We can provide on-site support from system installation and launch to daily operation.

If you are considering the implementation of a process management system for mold and part manufacturing in Thailand, or if you are facing challenges in mass production management, please feel free to contact us using the form below.

Inquiry Form

Please feel free to contact us from the form as below.

We accept by phone and email.

KOA-SHA (THAILAND) (hereinafter referred to as the "Company" or "We"), in the variety of services provided by the Company (hereinafter referred to as the "Services"), established the following privacy policy (hereinafter referred to as the "Policy").

Definition of Personal Information

The term "Personal Information" as used in this Policy, means information about a living individual which can identify the specific individual, including name, date of birth, and other descriptions (including other information that can be easily matched to identify a specific individual).

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  • The Company will maintain the accuracy of personal information and manage it safely.
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Request for Notification, Disclosure, Correction, Suspension of Use of Personal Information

In the case the Company receives request from the individual user regarding the disclosure, correction, addition, deletion, suspension of use, or erasure of personal information, stoppage of use by a third party or notification of use, after confirmation that the requester is the individual user, the Company will respond without delay in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act.

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Revision of Privacy Policy

The Company will review the operational status of the handling of personal information and make efforts for continuous improvement, and may change the Policy as necessary. After such changes to the Policy, the Policy will be published on the Company’s website.


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Established October 01, 2021

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