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  • Precision Machining Made Easy for Everyone! Seminar on the Recommended Mold/Die Machining Solutions by CGS × Sodick

Precision Machining Made Easy for Everyone! Seminar on the Recommended Mold/Die Machining Solutions by CGS × Sodick

Samurai Asia Editorial Department

CAD/CAM manufacturer CGS Asia, in collaboration with Sodick (Thailand), a leading Japanese machine tool manufacturer, held a seminar themed [Craftsman: SHOKUNIN]. They introduced solutions and convenient functions that combine CGS's 'CAM-TOOL' with Sodick's latest control software for machining centers, demonstrating how to achieve high-precision machining at a craftsman level with ease for everyone.

In this article, we will explain the key points of the seminar and the recommended solutions from each manufacturer.

CGS Presents
Precision Machining Made Easy!
Key Features of “CAM-TOOL” to Know

CGS's CAD/CAM software CAM-TOOL is a system designed to support mold/die processing. It offers a range of features including hole machining, 2-axis, 3-axis, fixed 5-axis, and simultaneous 5-axis machining, accommodating a wide range of applications from fine, precision machining to large mold/die production. The seminar introduced recommended convenient features for achieving efficient, high-speed, and high-precision machining with ease for everyone.

CAM-TOOL’s Recommended Features for Precision and Micro Machining

■ CL Editing
A useful feature in CAM-TOOL, CL Editing is well-regarded among users for reducing working time. It allows for the deletion or copying of selected paths, replacement of approaches, and changes in machining directions. For geometries with identical shapes, calculation time can be reduced and data creation time can be shortened by duplicating the CL of one shape.

- Delete
- Copy/Move
- Merge
- Reverse
- Replace and reposition approaches
- F value change, etc.

■ Optimization of Cutter Path (Auto Clearance)
When CAM-TOOL recognizes the workpiece shape and identifies a shortcut, it generates an optimal travel path that moves to the next machining position while maintaining a certain safe distance without retracting to the set clearance height.

■ Previous Process Stock
This function automatically recognizes the workpiece shape from the previous process and avoids generating a cutter path if the current process path does not cut the workpiece solid. It outputs paths only for the areas that actually require machining, enabling automatic optimization of the paths. This eliminates air cuts and contributes to time savings.

■ Tool Catalog "Tooling DB"
The “Tooling Database” allows linking of tooling (tools, holders, etc.) information from major Japanese manufacturers. Even operators with limited tooling knowledge can import machining conditions from the catalog data and easily select necessary parameters. Machining conditions can be treated as variables, so values in the Tooling Database are automatically set to process conditions.

■ Final Plane Pitch Designation (LAST STEP OVER)
This useful feature is designed for machining small pin shapes, such as pin holders. It performs roughing and finishing simultaneously at each contour line to reduce the cutting load on pins and enable precise pin machining.
Note: The pitch and feed rate can be adjusted during both the roughing and finishing processes.

The variable pitch can also be utilized to reduce chatter during processing.

■ Repositioning of Structural Points
A unique algorithm automatically smooths the spacing of structural points and ensures that the length of the micro-line segment remains constant. This reduces the impact of machine tool acceleration and deceleration to a consistent level, resulting in a smoother machined surface.

Sodick Presents
Linear-Motor Driven Machining Center "UX450L" & Control Functions

Focusing on machining centers commonly used with CAD/CAM systems, we introduce the new "UX450L" model, which is driven by linear motors and features control functions that support high-quality, high-precision machining.

Equipped with Sodick Machining Center! Convenient Control Functions

■ SEPTune
This is software that automatically generate optimal parameters by simply selecting the remainder allowance, tool neck length L/D, machining range, and feed rate range according to the machining purpose.

■ EFtune
This is software that calculates the optimum cutting feed rate (F value) in NC programs. Even operators with limited knowledge and experience can easily determine machining conditions in a short time.

■ MotionExpert®-S
It calculates precise machining times based on the actual machine. By manufacturing the NC control units and motors in-house, it accurately replicates motor motion on a PC, allowing for precise data calculation with errors at the level of seconds. This eliminates discrepancies between actual machining times and CAM-predicted times, providing accurate cycle time measurements.

【Linear-Motor Driven Machining Center "UX450L"】
The latest model in Sodick's machining center lineup, the UX450L, began full-scale sales in Thailand in 2024. It is designed for high-speed, precise machining and is equipped with uniquely developed linear motors on the XYZ axes.

Main Features of "UX450L"
✔ High-precision gantry structure
✔ Ultra-high rigidity guides
✔ Z-axis casting whole cooling mechanism
✔ High-rigidity and low center of gravity machine structure
✔ Linear motor cooling system
✔ Spindle thermal displacement compensation function
✔ Machining recorder function
✔ Simple program creation function

The combination of CGS's "CAM-TOOL" and Sodick's machining centers is a well-matched solution that enhances the performance of each when used together. There are many sites in Thailand where CAM-TOOL and Sodick machining centers are used in tandem. Both companies provide detailed local support in Thailand, from implementation to after-sales service, and active collaboration in the region is expected to continue in the future.

▲ Seminar participants

▲ CGS Asia and Sodick (Thailand) staff who hosted the seminar

If you are looking for CAD/CAM in Thailand or ASEAN region, or if you have any problems with precision machining of mold/die, please contact us using the form below.

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