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  • Digitization of line of eye sight! Tobii Technology's eye-tracking technology for standardizing visual inspections and reviewing operation standards manual

Digitization of line of eye sight! Tobii Technology's eye-tracking technology for standardizing visual inspections and reviewing operation standards manual

Takahiro Nakamura

Eye tracking technology measures the location and direction of the human eyeball and visualizes "unconscious or unaware" eye movements. In recent years, it has been introduced in the manufacturing industry, and is starting to be utilized for such as visual inspection mainly in the Japanese market. In this article, we will introduce the eye tracking solutions offered by Tobii Technology Co., Ltd., which boasts the No. 1 share of the global eye-tracking market, together with Mr. Sugita, Southeast Asia sales representative of the company.

Data-driven standardization of visual inspection Wearable eye-tracking devices easily measure line of sight

Although automation has been progressing at manufacturing sites in Thailand in recent years, there are certain products that cannot be handled by automatic inspection due to the characteristics of materials (easily reflecting light, uneven surfaces, etc.). Especially for products with strict safety quality standards, such as automotive parts, visual inspection by the human eye is important. Tobii Technology's eye-tracking solution can improve the education system and work efficiency by digitizing the "way of seeing" of visual inspection, which is difficult to standardize, and using it for training.

Wearable eye-tracking device "Tobii Pro Glasses 3”

Eye Tracking Visual Inspection Improvement Tobii Technology Nihon Denkei

▲Tobii Pro Glasses 3 device configuration

<Features of Tobii Pro Glasses 3>
・No technical knowledge required. Simple operation enables measurement by anyone
・Recordings can be played back on a smartphone.
・Easy to wear, just like normal glasses, and can be worn with a helmet.
・Wireless design enables measurement both indoors and outdoors.
・With a wider field of view than conventional products, it can also capture the line of sight for works at hand and at feet.

Eye Tracking Visual Inspection Improvement Tobii Technology Nihon Denkei

▲Wearable eye tracking device wearing image

Digitize the techniques and skills of skilled workers and reflect them in the operation standards manual Scientific elucidation on the causes of variations in work by individuals

Visual inspection is a task that is particularly susceptible to individual skills, and succession of the skills of skilled workers has been a longstanding issue at manufacturing sites. Especially at manufacturing sites in Thailand, it is very difficult and time-consuming to train on-site staff on the sensory aspects of the work, even if there is an operation standards manual prepared by the head office. By visualizing and standardizing the detailed points of inspection (points to be watched, time, and order) that are not covered in the general operation standards manuals, it is possible to improve the on-site training system and increase work efficiency. Furthermore, the greatest strength of Tobii Technology is that it not only provides eye tracking devices, but also analyzes the eye tracking data and assists in how to utilize and improve it.

▲Visual inspection by skilled personnel
Inspection time: 13 sec.

▲Visual inspection based on operation standards manual before improvement (unskilled workers before the lecture)
Inspection time: 34 sec.

▲Visual inspection based on operation standards manual after improvement (unskilled workers after lecture)
Inspection time: 21 sec.

<Benefits of implementing eye tracking in visual inspection>
Reduction of human variability by standardizing operations
Reduction of training (education) timeby manualizing visual inspection
⇒Review of operation standards manual
Objective evaluation of workers’ skills

Providing from analysis to improvement of line-of-sight data by utilizing our accumulated know-how

“Tobii Technology Japan has played a central role in expanding the use of eye tracking in the manufacturing industry. There are about 20 eye-tracking manufacturers in the world, but our strength is that we not only sell software and hardware, but can also offer proposals from data analysis to improvement, which no other company can do. In the Japanese market, we are seeing an increase in the number of installations at automobile manufacturers and automotive parts manufacturing sites, and we expect further demand in Southeast Asia, especially Thailand, where safety and high precision standards are on the rise," says Mr. Sugita of Tobii Technology.

Nippon Denkei's Japanese offices have already been selling this product, and in recent years, there is an increasing number of eye-tracking related inquiries have been receiving in Thailand. Currently, there is no demo devise available in Thailand at this time, but we are ready to arrange a demo test for interested customers, so please feel free to contact us for more information.

Tobii Technology K.K.
Established in 2001 as an eye tracking technology venture from the Royal Institute of Technology in Sweden, the company is now a global leader in eye tracking and a pioneer in attention computing. Serving partners and customers from its headquarters in Stockholm and 14 offices spread across Asia, Europe, North America, and South America. The company was listed on NASDAQ Stockholm (TOBII) in 2015 and currently has over 600 employees and approximately 700 patents. The company's technology is used in a wide range of areas from academic research to marketing, manufacturing, education, and entertainment. In Japan, the company has been adopted by more than 300 universities and research institutes and 500 private companies.

▲ From the left, Mr. Sugita of Tobii Technology K.K. and Mr. Nakamura of Nihon Denkei (Thailand) Co., Ltd.

Masahito Sugita
Enterprise Sales / Sales Manager

Graduated from the Faculty of Law, Waseda University.
He was a member of the Big Bears, an American football team, during his school days.
After joining Tobii Technology, he has been engaged in solving issues related to "education" and "productivity improvement" in the manufacturing industry in Japan.
Since 2021, he has been in charge of Japanese-affiliated manufacturers with production base in Southeast Asia.
[A word from himself]
With the motto "Beat yesterday," I would like to grow every day together with our clients!

If you have issues with visual inspection or are interested in eye tracking technology in Thailand, please feel free to contact us using the form below.

Inquiry Form

Please feel free to contact us from the form as below.

We accept by phone and email.

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