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  • ‘TOMILO’: China's Leading Environmental Testing Machine Manufacturer Solutions for PCB and EV Manufacturing that are Increasingly in Demand in Thailand

‘TOMILO’: China's Leading Environmental Testing Machine Manufacturer Solutions for PCB and EV Manufacturing that are Increasingly in Demand in Thailand

Sun Hailong
Sales Manager / Overseas Promotion Department
Denkei Trading (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.

In recent years, as manufacturing bases increasingly relocate and expand to Thailand, the demand for measurement and testing—particularly in the competitive PCB and EV industries—is gradually rising. At Nihon Denkei, we leverage our overseas network to support companies expanding their business from China to Thailand.

The Denkei Group, a comprehensive trading company specializing in measurement and testing, supports companies expanding their business to Thailand from China

In this article, we will introduce “TOMILO”, a leading testing machine manufacturer that supplies environmental testing machines used by about 70% of Chinese EV manufacturers, along with the company's main products.

“TOMILO”, China's Leading Testing Machine Manufacturer Supporting Electronic-Electrical and EV (Automobile) Technologies

TOMILO holds the top market share in China for environmental testing machines, including constant temperature and humidity testers and thermal shock testers. The company serves over 1,000 customers across various sectors, including automotive parts, electrical and electronic devices (such as PCs, smartphones, and earphones), and semiconductors. In the automotive sector, TOMILO's testing machines are utilized not only by Chinese companies but also by numerous leading manufacturers from Japan, Europe, and the United States.

With over 400 employees, more than 100 of whom are engaged in R&D (research and development), the company is characterized by its strong focus on innovation and new development. Additionally, it has established a system with over 40 after-sales service specialists who provide prompt feedback, typically within 2 hours of an inquiry. Furthermore, in response of recent global demand, a new 100,000-square-meter factory is scheduled to open in October 2025.

▲ Illustrative image of the new TOMILO factory

The relationship with Denkei China began because TOMILO’s customer targets aligned with Denkei’s, and Denkei’s overseas network has been highly valued and trusted by the company.

TOMILO's Strengths
✔ Capable of inspecting all EV components; dedicated EV testing equipment available
✔ Provides comprehensive testing solutions with an extensive product lineup
✔ High accuracy and reliability of test results
✔ Compact and energy-efficient testing machines
✔ Ensures high safety standards
✔ Durable, with an expected lifespan of approximately 10 years

Denkei’s recommendation: TOMILO testing machine (1)
High/low temperature (Thermal-Humidity) Tester

This tester features a wide temperature and humidity range and high control precision, allowing it to simulate various environmental conditions. It meets national standards GB and IEC-related testing criteria.

Product Features
・Advanced balance control mode and PID adjustment technology significantly reduce the machine's energy consumption
・Equipped with a function that automatically returns to room temperature after the completion of program, protecting test samples.
・Unique air circulation design prevents condensation on the upper part of the chamber even in thermal-humidity mode
・High machine sealing allows for operation over long periods (more than 1,000 hours)
・Advanced output control method minimizes frequent compressor startups and shutdowns, extending service life

Denkei’s recommendation: TOMILO testing machine (2)
Battery Testing System

Specially designed to accommodate battery testing for driving purposes. Based on standard climate chambers, it provides protective mechanisms for all hazard levels, ensuring the safety of employees, assets, and equipment.

Product Features
✔ High load uniformity
✔ High efficiency and energy-saving
✔ Multi-functional and high-performance
✔ High fire safety rating

【Fire Safety Features】
Safety Measures: Pressure relief, door chain (standard), powerful exhaust (optional)
Monitoring Functions (optional): Smoke detection, gas detection (CH / CO / H2), overheat protection
Fire Extinguishing Capability (optional): Perfluorohexane, water spray, submersion
Safety PLC (optional): Manual/automatic extinguishing, remote extinguishing, independent power shutdown alarm

In June, we participated for the second time in the Manufacturing Expo 2024, one of the largest manufacturing exhibitions in ASEAN, showcasing a high/low-temperature tester. Denkei China and Thailand, in collaboration with TOMILO, will provide even higher value-added solutions.

▲ High/low-temperature tester exhibited at ME2024

▲ From left: Mr. Vincen, Mr. Andy, and Mr. Yao from TOMILO; Mr. Kusuhara and Mr. Yoshino from Nihon Denkei (Thailand); and Mr. Sun from Denkei Trading Shanghai

▲ TOMILO staff at ME2024 venue

Jiangsu Tomilo Advanced Equipment Co., Ltd.
Yao Chenglin

Sales Director

Overseas Director

If you are seeking for environmental testing machines for PCB or EV applications in Thailand, please feel free to contact us using the form below.

Inquiry Form

Please feel free to contact us from the form as below.

We accept by phone and email.

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Established October 01, 2021

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