Environmental test equipment
Test "temperature", "humidity" and "vibration" at the same time! Rely on EMIC for combined environmental test.
The environmental test is a test which evaluates the products by specifying vibration, humidity and temperature and making combined environment by its combination. It is a necessary test process for the automobile industry and electronic component industry, such as semiconductors. The Vibetech chamber® tests the above 3 conditions at the same time, which drastically shortens the testing time and provides a high-leveled reliability evaluation test. The laboratory tests are available in Thai EMIC.
【Line-up of Vibetech Chamber®】
■VC series general vibetech chamber®
There are 3 types. Moreover, "refrigerator condensation method", "tank mechanism", "combined system" and "temperature range" can be set up and chosen according to the purpose.
- Chamber transfer mechanism for switching horizontal or vertical (option)
The option for the chamber using horizontal vibrator base with the attached vibration test equipment.
-Cantilever Type Chamber
It is a temperature and humidity test chamber which has no frame around and can do the sample installing work easily.
■EHVC series high-speed vibetech chamber®
It is developed to conduct high-speed life tests, and AGREE tests and most thermal shock tests can be conducted with this one chamber.
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