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  • [Case Study] Pokayoke System for Increasing Precision in Screw Tightening with HIOS Electric Screwdrivers

[Case Study] Pokayoke System for Increasing Precision in Screw Tightening with HIOS Electric Screwdrivers

Samurai Asia Editorial Department

Thai Hibex is a trading company specializing in equipment, tools, and auxiliary materials for PCB, SMT, and assembly processes. Among their products, Electric Screwdriver HIOS stands out as one with which the company has extensive experience in Thailand and a particularly close relationship with the manufacturer.

In this article, we will introduce a case study in Thailand of the "Pokayoke (misktake-proofing) System," an original solution by Thai Hibex that has successfully addressed challenges in factories using HIOS electric screwdrivers.

Eliminating Human Errors in the Screw Tightening Process

The company that introduced the system is a Japanese-affiliated EMS factory in Thailand that manufactures parts for automobiles and office automation equipment as well as PCB mounting and assembly. It is a large-scale manufacturing plant with three factories in Thailand alone, employing nearly 4,500 people. The factory mainly uses HIOS electric screwdrivers for assembling home-use printers. There are approximately 300 parts and 50 screw fastening points in the printer assembly process.

In the assembly process of this product, the following challenges were encountered:

▼ Occurrence of defects due to forgotten screw tightening
▼ Instances of work interruption and re-tightening of screws, causing possible discrepancies between the screw tightening counter display on the electric screwdriver and the actual operation
▼ Time-consuming processes for issuing parts and screws (matching the numbers to prevent shortages).

To address these challenges, the Pokayoke system was implemented

▲ Screw tightening process using the Pokayoke system

【Key Features of the Pokayoke System】
・Adopts a mechanism where the process cannot proceed to the next step unless the screw tightening count meets the specified criteria.
⇒ Physically prevents forgetting to tighten screws.
・Requires a key to unlock the system, with on-site supervisors responsible for managing the key and visually confirming the system.
⇒ Designed to ensure errors during operations are not overlooked.

▲ Explanation of the mechanism using the Pokayoke system demonstration device

The Implementation of the Pokayoke System Has Fundamentally Reduced Screw Tightening Omissions Significant Improvement in Operational Efficiency.

At the factory, this Pokayoke system has been implemented since January 2024 as part of the printer equipment assembly line for attaching critical parts.

[Features of the Implemented Pokayoke System]
・When the product to be screwed arrives in front of the operator, a pin stands at the back of the product and locks it in position.
・The lock is released and the product can proceed to the next process once the screws have been tightened the specified number of times and meet the specified criteria.
・If a screw-tightening failure occurs, a tower light alerts the operator, and the product remains locked until the production line supervisor takes action.
⇒ Prevents screw tightening omissions and defective products from advancing to the next process.

It has been about six months since the system was implemented, and the customer highly appreciates its significant contribution to the elimination of operational errors in the process.

【Benefits of Implementing the Pokayoke System】
・Fundamentally eliminates screw tightening omissions.
・Reduces parts counting tasks, leading to improved operational efficiency.
・Enhances assembly process accuracy, enabling added value appeal to customers.

Furthermore, the factory has a long history of using HIOS electric screwdrivers and uses a large number of them. While the factory has considered and compared with electric screwdrivers from other manufacturers, HIOS is consistently chosen. Reasons include:
✔ Lightweight (easy to use for screw tightening work from the side)
✔ High reputation among on-site staff (easy to use)

and so on.

▲ HIOS electric screwdriver "BLG-BC2" series lineup

Currently, the Pokayoke system implemented in the factory is for one process, but its high effectiveness has been highly evaluated, and the company is considering implementation of additional systems for other processes.

The Unique Solution from Thai Hibex Creates Added Value for Existing Products

Thai Hibex's Pokayoke system is designed to solve challenges at production sites, offering flexible customization tailored to each customer's needs. With extensive experience in handling HIOS electric screwdrivers, Thai Hibex is well-versed in their strengths and functionalities, enabling it to propose highly versatile solution.

Furthermore, Thai Hibex maintains a plentiful inventory of HIOS electric screwdrivers and consumables, such as replacement parts, in Thailand. The company also offers repair services for electric screwdrivers, establishing a stable support system in Thailand to ensure reliable after-sales support.

If you are facing challenges with screw tightening processes in Thailand or interested in purchasing HIOS electric screwdrivers, please feel free to contact us using the form below.

Inquiry Form

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