Mitsui Grinding Technology (Thailand) Carbon Neutral Activities|46% reduction of CO2 emissions by 2030!25/12/2023
MITSUI and MITSUYA are ready to build the trust of customers during the Covid-19 situation with strong determination! 'We will not disappoint our customers' under any circumstances.23/11/2020
[Grinding wheel] Quick delivery from Thailand is the advantage! Industrial grinding wheels of MITSUI GRINDING for Indonesia and Vietnam23/01/2020
【Thailand/Grinding wheels】Selling grinding wheels in Thailand for a quarter century! Increase customer satisfaction by being devoted to working together with the sole sales agent.12/08/2019
Produce Japanese quality grinding wheels in Thailand! MGT responds flexibly to customer's needs!23/09/2018
MITSUI GRINDING TECHNOLOGY THAILAND (Mitsui grinding whetstone) Domestic and foreign distributor information23/08/2018
Responding to various requirements of parts processing, Precision grinding wheels of custom made quality01/04/2018