The new alloy prevents Tip Erosion 3 times compared to the current product "SAC305" (Sn-3.0Ag-0.5Cu) and helps to solve the problem of "Solder Switching Costs", "Switching Lost Time", and "Quality Fluctuations" can be simultaneous. If you would like to inquire about soldering in Thailand, then please contact us.
Left figure: Comparison of the ratio of the coating on the tip.
Figure right: Comparison of the corrosion on the soldering iron tip.
After a total of 12,000 soldering times
■Comparison of the metal coating ratio of soldering iron tips between TipSave N and current products.
Under the test conditions where the temperature of the iron was 400 degrees and 12,000 consecutive soldering sessions were performed, the "TipSave N" had a greater ratio of metal coating to the tip than the current product (SAC305) by 400°C. 3 times to reduce costs, shorter switching times, and improved quality.
■3 advantages of choosing TipSave N
① Reduce the cost of replacing soldering irons.
② Shorten switching time
③ Reduce soldering quality fluctuations.