PATLITE is working on solutions to streamline operations by combining it with signal lights (Signal Towers) and various alarm devices.In this article, we will introduce examples of contributions to operational improvement in logistics warehouses.
A solution for logistics warehouses jointly developed by “PATLITE”, a pioneer of IoT signal lights, and “iCONEXT”, which handles various services that make full use of IT. The light of the multilayer signal light (Signal Tower) indicates the progress of the loading site, and the situation can be grasped in real time even from a remote location.
In this case, the light of the Signal Tower, the package number, the correct shipping time, etc. are linked and registered in advance in the system. Whether the loading process is proceeding normally or if there is a problem, it has become easier for all workers to understand the progress.
Number of green lamps = work progress
If there is a work mistake ...
Work mistakes can occur to anyone without knowing. When work that is different from the pre-registered designation is performed, the buzzer goes off and the Signal Tower lights up in red. By giving a warning By giving a warning,he/she can immediately know that a mistake has occurred. When the wrong work is corrected and changed to the accurate one, the Signal Tower will return to the normal display.
Not only do administrators have to manage the shipping times for the trucks and the status of warehousing and delivery, but they also have to keep an eye on the site in order to grasp the situation at the site. By introducing this system, it will be possible for administrators in remote locations to grasp the work status through the system in real time and respond quickly.
"In logistics, there are many processes such as inventory management, quality checks, and loading on trucks, and, in order to eliminate erroneous shipments, it is necessary to manage this system so that not even a single mistake is overlooked. The theme of this system was to inform everyone involved at the same time and in a way that is ‘easy to understand’."
PATLITE collaborates with various companies to provide ideas for work improvement using multilayer signal lights and indicator lights.