Since Industry 4.0 (Fourth Industrial Revolution), smart factories have been attracting worldwide attention. Utilizing digital data in factories and continuously improving quality and productivity = "IoTization of factories", but there are still only few places that can utilize effectively at manufacturing sites in Thailand. In order to improve on-site productivity, it is essential to accurately recognize and review the current operation rate and how much waste there is. In this article, we will introduce our recommended solution for reducing equipment downtime in manufacturing factories that can achieve these goals.
There are three main phases to becoming a smart factory.
① Install signal towers (signal lights) in appropriate places
② Visualize the acquired data (conversion of information into data)
③ Reduce downtime as much as possible ⇒ How quickly can workers recognize abnormality?
We offer the solutions necessary to solve these processes step by step. By visualizing on-site operation rates and utilizing the information obtained to kaizen (improve) the manufacturing process, we can achieve efficient "downtime reduction.