On July 18-19, 2024, Takamatsu Machinery (Thailand) held a private show in Bangkok, Thailand. The event, centered around the major theme of "Energy Saving in Manufacturing," showcased solutions for labor-saving and automation through process integration. Over the course of two days, more than 300 people attended, including a noticeable number of visitors from distant locations, contributing to a turnout even greater than in past events. A total of 10 partner companies participated, which is more than in previous years, with many joining for the first time.
This year's show featured five types of lathes and retrofitted machines. The event also included displays that combined solutions from partner manufacturers, offering a unique experience that only a private show can deliver.
Main Exhibited Machines by Takamatsu Machinery
・GSL-15PLUS (equipped with Blum touch probe for machine tools)
・XT-8MY (equipped with YMTT tooling application for lathes)
・XC-150 retrofit machine (before and after repair)
This event marked the first time retrofitted machines were showcased. In recent years, Thailand's manufacturing industry has faced an oversupply and saturation of processing machines, resulting in a slowdown in new equipment purchases. As interest in repairing older machines has grown among users, Takamatsu Machinery has adapted by offering flexible machine repair services within Thailand. By providing comprehensive support domestically, without the need to send machines back to Japan, customers benefit significantly in terms of both cost and delivery time.
This year saw the participation of both new companies and those returning after a decade. The event showcased a diverse range of new initiatives and solutions, making the display more varied and noteworthy than in previous years.
Main Partner Companies *Listed in no particular order
■ Mitsubishi Electric Factory Automation (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
Product displayed: CNC data monitoring system (visualization software) “GENESIS64™”
■ YAMADA Machine Tool (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
Product displayed: Various special tools and tooling (PCM / QUICK Knurling Tool / Rev Broaching Tool), tooling applications for lathes and others
■ SMC Thailand Ltd. (SMC)
Product displayed: Air management systems and others
■ Applicad Public Company Limited.
Product displayed: 3D CAD "SolidCAM"
Product displayed: Cutting fluids for lathes and others
Product displayed: Standard chucks, robot hands, chuck grease, and others
Product displayed: Pumpback systems, chip conveyors, and others.
■ Sumitomo Electric Hardmetal Corp.
Product displayed: High-efficiency cutter for aluminum alloy processing ALNEX ANX model, Aurora-coated drill for non-ferrous metal processing Multi Drill MDA model, CBN sintered body for cast iron and sintered alloy processing SUMIBORON BN7115, and others
■ Dynamic Tools Corporation
Product displayed: Air chucks, palm chucks, and others
■ Blum-Novotest
Product displayed: Touch probe for machine tools (mounted on GSL-15PLUS)
MD Yamashita is cautious about predicting future market trends. Takamatsu Machinery is carefully evaluating opportunities for the next stage in the Thai manufacturing market.
"Before the COVID-19 pandemic, our private shows often functioned as spot sales events, with significant activity in the purchase of new machines. There were years when we sold nearly 100 units of our signature GSL series in a single year. However, in recent years, as demand for machines in Thailand's manufacturing sector has reached saturation and trends toward automation and labor-saving have grown, we believe that the demand for lathes with compact loaders—a field in which Takamatsu Machinery has traditionally excelled—may finally be gaining momentum in Thailand. We would like to recommend the XT-6 (a semi-automatic lathe with a compact loader) as an entry-level machine for multitasking. Most customers in Thailand who are familiar with Takamatsu Machinery likely associate 'TAKAMZ' with affordable manual lathes. Changing this perception is a challenge for us moving forward, but it also presents an opportunity to reach a new customer base."
— MD Yamashita, Takamatsu Machinery (Thailand)