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Leave EV Parts Machining to Takamatsu Machinery's Lathes! Introducing the New Lathe 'XTL-8,' Perfect for Motor Shaft Machining.

Nguyen Thanh Cong
Sales Engineer

In Vietnam, where motorcycles (two-wheelers) have long been dominant compared to automobiles, the automotive industry has experienced rapid growth in recent years, with a particular increase in attention towards electric vehicles (EVs).

Vietnam's Automotive Industry and the Rapidly Growing EV Market

Compared to the first half of the 2010s (average of 120,000-150,000 vehicles per year), vehicle sales in Vietnam surged rapidly to an average of 300,000 vehicles per year in 2015-2020, recording an annual growth rate of 15-20%. Despite the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, which expanded in 2020, sales exceeded 510,000 units in 2022. Although consumption has stabilized in 2023, the country is approaching the status of a major automotive industry player in Southeast Asia, following Thailand, Indonesia, and Malaysia.

Under such circumstances, Vietnamese EV manufacturers are expanding their sales, and overseas manufacturers are also planning EV models in Vietnam. EV production is expected to advance in Vietnam. As the global shift to EVs accelerates, Takamatsu Machinery is also preparing lathe products with EV parts machining in mind.

Examples of EV parts machining lathes and solutions provided by Takamatsu Machinery

■ Example of parts machining by XT-6 (CNC 1-spindle 1-turret precision lathe, 6-inch class

■ Example of parts machining by XW-130 (CNC 2-spindle, 2-slide precision lathe, 8 inches)

■ Example of parts machining by XT-8 (CNC 1-spindle 1-turret precision lathe, 8-inch class)

Introducing the New Models 'XTL-8' and 'XTL-8MY'! We propose CNC lathes ideal for long workpiece machining, including EV motor shafts.

Takamatsu Machinery has been preparing lathe products to accommodate EV parts machining, and in May 2024, we announced the new CNC lathes 'XTL-8' and 'XTL-8MY'. As the production of EVs and HVs progresses, the ability to handle longer and larger shaft machining becomes crucial moving forward.

【Key Features of the 8-Inch Shaft Machining CNC Lathes 'XTL-8' and 'XTL-8MY'】
Ideal for Shaft Workpiece Machining
The primary target is shaft workpieces machining, with a maximum machining length of approximately 600mm. Tailstock is equipped as standard. In the 8MY type, milling and Y-axis functions are included, enabling proposals for complex machining, including process consolidation such as horizontal hole machining, keyway machining, and spline machining.
Achieving High Productivity and Energy Efficiency
Reducing environmental impact and cutting down on running costs are achieved through energy-saving level selection and idle stop functions. Additionally, chuck stroke check (OP) enables adjustment of chuck gripping check positions on the NC screen, thereby reducing setup work for multi-product manufacturing.
Improved Workability with TAKAMAZ Operating System
Setup workability is improved through loader teaching functions and cutting-tool alignment support functions. Furthermore, data storage of machine status for each workpiece and traceability of machined items are also ensured.

If you are looking for lathes and machine tools for machining EV parts such as motor shafts in Vietnam, please feel free to contact us using the form below.

Inquiry Form

Please feel free to contact us from the form as below.

We accept by phone and email.

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Established October 01, 2021

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