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  • Newly launched machine vision system capable of simultaneous barcode reading, OCR (optical character recognition), and presence/absence inspection!

Newly launched machine vision system capable of simultaneous barcode reading, OCR (optical character recognition), and presence/absence inspection!

Jihong Jung
International Business Manager

In Thailand, as labor costs continue to rise, many factories still rely on manual inspection by human eyes for checking characters and symbols after marking parts or products. Manual inspection not only requires manpower but also is prone to human errors. Introducing the new machine vision system 『MCV-F1000』 designed to address such challenges and support in solving them.

Newly released in 2024, this product, like the previously introduced 『MCR-F1000』 uses a varifocal system, and is equipped with autofocus and 3x zoom functions, enabling reading from a distance of 2 meters.
The evolved features are the ability to perform not only barcode reading but also optical character recognition OCR and presence/absence inspection (appearance inspection) simultaneously in a single unit, making it the most versatile system ever.

The most Multifunctional fixed machine vision system in Mars Tohken's history

The product introduction video demonstrates a presence/absence inspection that simultaneously reads characters and symbols on a small substrate and concurrently determines missing screws on components. In actual production environments, there are many cases where barcodes and letters, characters and symbols, etc. are written together, and the position and location of the descriptions may be different.

The MCV-F1000 takes advantage of the extremely deep depth feature with a mechanical focus and zoom adjustment mechanism to read three symbols simultaneously, even from long distances and varying heights. In addition to barcode reading, this extremely versatile system can perform character recognition and presence/absence inspection all in one unit.

The exclusive features of MCV-F1000➀: Optical character recognition (OCR)

The original algorithm allows high-quality image capture even when zoomed, and enables to read characters as small as 0.049 mm. It can handle printing at levels too small to be discerned by the human eye.

The exclusive features of MCV-F1000➁: Presence/absence inspection and piece counting

It is capable of making judgments regarding the installation of components such as detecting mounting errors and missing parts, as well as checking the number of pieces and inspecting the product surface for scratches.

<Benefit of implementation>
✔Manpower saving and labor cost reduction
✔Human error prevention

<Application (example)>
The system can be used for both in-process and pre-shipment inspections.
・Production process equipment using conveyors
・Incorporation into marking equipment (inspection immediately after marking)
・Reading engravings on metal parts
・Character recognition of labels and kanbans

Mars Tohken offers actual equipment testing (actual machine rental) in Thailand , so please feel free to contact us.

If you are looking for a machine vision system (barcode reading, character recognition, and presence/absence inspection system) in Thailand, please feel free to contact us using the form below.

Inquiry Form

Please feel free to contact us from the form as below.

We accept by phone and email.

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Established October 01, 2021

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