Tomas Engineering (Thailand) is a distributor of Uniflow products in Thailand, providing high-speed sheet shutters and swing doors. Among them, SMOOTHER, a high-speed sheet shutter for indoor/outdoor, is a popular product that combines high airtightness, wind pressure resistance, and energy savings. The new model of "SMOOTHER" is now available with significantly updated functions and performance!
The new model "RX-2,3" has the following updates, including improved wind pressure resistance, while maintaining the high workability of the previous models.
High-speed sheet shutter for indoor/outdoor "SMOOTHER RX-2,3"
Feature 1: Significant improvement in wind pressure resistance
By changing the rail structure and adding rollers at the end, the pipe is less likely to fall out, and the wind pressure resistance performance when the sheet is fully closed as well as during the descending of the sheet is greatly improved. Even in strong wind, the shutter can be raised and lowered easily, it can be used safely at the entrance of a factory.
Feature 2: Improved safety with warning countdown display
By installing the optional countdown indicator, safety is improved by preventing passersby from rushing in.
What can be done with the countdown display
✓ Countdown display before sheet is descending (can be set from 1 to 9 seconds)
✓ Up to 4 units can be installed per shutter
✓ It is possible to display the status such as when the upper limit is stopped or ascending, and can be used as a substitute for the rotating indicator light.
Feature 3: Improved interlock function
When multiple sheet shutters are located in close proximity to each other, if both shutters are open at the same time, dust can enter and cool air can escape from the room. Therefore, sheet shutters are often equipped with an interlock function that allows the next shutter to be opened and closed when one shutter is closed. In the new “RX-2,3” model, the "simple interlock function" has been added.
With the conventional interlock function, in the case of a narrow front room, the sensor on the back of the front shutter keeps detecting a person or forklift in the front room, which often results in the front shutter not closing and the next shutter not opening. The simple interlock function solves this problem with a single sensor installed in the front room, enabling interlock control in a narrow front room.
A non-contact switch is also available as an option, which can be attached to the sheet shutter. Since the shutter can be opened and closed without directly touching it, it can be used as a countermeasure against the new coronavirus infection.
Furthermore, by linking the high-speed sheet shutter with an automatic alcohol sprayer, a function that allows non-contact entry after alcohol disinfection is available.
It is a particularly recommended option if you are considering strengthening hygiene, infectious disease control, food poisoning prevention, etc.