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  • Three Years After Taking Over the Tent Business: Aiming to Expand the Market in Thailand as the New Tomas Tent | Tomas Engineering (Thailand)

Three Years After Taking Over the Tent Business: Aiming to Expand the Market in Thailand as the New Tomas Tent | Tomas Engineering (Thailand)


▲ Example of tent warehouse by Tomas Engineering (Thailand)

Founded in 2012, Tomas Engineering (Thailand), has grown primarily through the sales, development, and design of FA-related equipment. In July 2021, we took over the industrial tent business from THAI TAIYO TENT CO., LTD., the Thai subsidiary of Taiyo Kogyo Corporation. In this article, we will discuss the current state three years after inheriting the business, as well as the outlook for the tent business in Thailand and new business ventures.

▲ Mr. Nozaki, President and CEO of Tomas Engineering (Thailand)

Taiyo Kogyo’s High-Quality Tents with an 8-Year Warranty

The "fixed tent warehouse" manufactured and sold by Taiyo Kogyo in Japan is an excellent structure for protecting customers' valuable products from harsh outdoor conditions such as rain, wind, and UV rays, making it ideal for use as a temporary logistics hub. However, in the Thai market, the focus often tends to be on the initial cost rather than long-term total cost performance. As a result, cheaper tents with lower durability, which prioritize price over quality, have dominated the market. High-quality tents have remained largely unrecognized, except among a select group of existing customers who prioritize quality and safety.

Since inheriting the tent business, we have continuously explored what is necessary to establish ourselves as an independent tent manufacturer, navigating through trial and error. Taiyo Kogyo, a leading company in membrane structures with a 70% share of the global market and the top manufacturer in Japan. While the typical warranty for standard tents is around two years, we offer an 8-year warranty—an assurance made possible by our absolute confidence in the quality of our products.

Responding to the Demands of the Fluid Logistics Industry: Tent Warehouses with Short Lead Times

In recent years, environmentally conscious initiatives such as EVs (electric vehicles), zero emissions, and energy efficiency have become critical business requirements. We believe that logistics and supply chains are also being called upon to adapt. This is particularly evident in Thailand's supply chain, where international logistics intersect. During this period of transformation, “temporary” has become increasingly important. This shift presents a significant opportunity for tent manufacturers, as tent warehouses, which can be produced with short lead times, are ideally suited to rapidly respond to sudden changes in demand.

Aiming to Become Thailand's No. 1 Tent Manufacturer: “TOMAS FLEX TENT”

Currently, about 20% of the companies using TOMAS FLEX TENT are those that demand top quality. Moving forward, we plan to expand our business by penetrating the mid-market, which accounts for 30%. As part of this strategy, we have begun offering “standard tents” at more affordable prices, in addition to custom-made products, to attract a new segment of the market. Additionally, we aim to popularize design-oriented tent roofs for parking lots and sidewalks that emphasize comfort. We are exploring new value propositions for tent products beyond warehouses.

Aiming to become the No. 1 tent manufacturer in Thailand, we relocated to a new office in February this year, strengthening our product development and sales systems in preparation for the next stage.

▲ Exterior view of Tomas Engineering (Thailand)'s new office

As the new Tomas Tent, we will continue to assess market needs and remain agile and flexible in our approach as we prepare for upcoming opportunities.

【Information provided by: THAIBIZ June issue】

Vol.2:Providing new value to the Thai market with Japan-made "instant house"

Those looking for industrial (commercial) tents or tent warehouses in Thailand, please contact us using the inquiry form below.

Inquiry Form

Please feel free to contact us from the form as below.

We accept by phone and email.

KOA-SHA (THAILAND) (hereinafter referred to as the "Company" or "We"), in the variety of services provided by the Company (hereinafter referred to as the "Services"), established the following privacy policy (hereinafter referred to as the "Policy").

Definition of Personal Information

The term "Personal Information" as used in this Policy, means information about a living individual which can identify the specific individual, including name, date of birth, and other descriptions (including other information that can be easily matched to identify a specific individual).

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  • The Company will maintain the accuracy of personal information and manage it safely.
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Request for Notification, Disclosure, Correction, Suspension of Use of Personal Information

In the case the Company receives request from the individual user regarding the disclosure, correction, addition, deletion, suspension of use, or erasure of personal information, stoppage of use by a third party or notification of use, after confirmation that the requester is the individual user, the Company will respond without delay in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act.

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Revision of Privacy Policy

The Company will review the operational status of the handling of personal information and make efforts for continuous improvement, and may change the Policy as necessary. After such changes to the Policy, the Policy will be published on the Company’s website.


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Established October 01, 2021

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