“A-PLAS2018” exhibiting various plastic products such as plastic raw material, masterbatch and injection molding machine will be held at BITEC from 19 (Wed) to 22 (Sat) September. Not only Thai manufacturers, but also many overseas manufacturers will open their booth in this exhibition.
Toyota Material Handling, handling sales and maintenance of industrial vehicles such as forklift in Thailand will open a booth in this exhibition.
For those who are considering to replace forklift or looking for a suitable forklift for your company, please come to visit our booth of Toyota Material Handling (Thailand).
Please contact the below staff for any inquiry about forklift.
【For Japanese】
Soichiro Onishi
Mobile : +66(0)98-824-4121
Email : onishi@tmhth.toyota-industries.com
【For Thai】
Mobile : +66(0)65-609-8269
Email : sirinda@tmhth.toyota-industries.com