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Moving Rack (Toyota Industries Corporation)
Make the space half in the same storage quantity
Moving Rack is the product to minimize aisle space and maximize the storage space. The rack will be moved by pushing one button and open only the aisle which requires loading and unloading and utilize the unused aisle space as storage space. The space will be about half of the same storage floorspace when compared with the current way of storage. It is suitable for the customers who are worried about storage space in Thailand.
The logistic storage site in Thailand is facing various problems such as cargo increase and cargo dispersion. While the problems have increased, it is not easy to invest in a new warehouse. Moving Rack will provide increase of storage space and work efficiency with a relatively small investment.
- The features of Moving Rack ➀ Minimize the aisle space and maximize the storage space The rack will be moved by pushing one button and open only the aisle which requires loading and unloading and utilize the unused aisle space to be storage space. The space will be about half of the same storage floorspace compared with the current way of storage. ➁ Reduce loading and unloading time significantly, compared with flat and stacking storage. ➂ Prevent damage and collapse of cargo by using racks. ➃ Enable companies to manage stock intensively, keeping stock tidy and in order by rack.
- Useful function of Moving Racks ➀ Function to open all aisles It is the function to open all aisle when taking stock. ➁ Manual operation function It is the function to open the aisle to the required width. ➂ Function to reserve open aisle It is the function to reduce waiting time by booking 3 orders to open aisles. ➃ Function of automatic power off It is the function to save energy by cutting the power off automatically when there is no operation for a fixed time.