A color inspection function has been added to Visco Technologies' flagship product, Image processing controller "VTV-9000 series".This function is used for specific purposes such as cable color scheme inspection and color identification, and it is an area with high demand in Thailand.
Generally, wire harnesses are often assembled by hand, and because of this manual work, it is a product that is prone to errors such as incorrect color combinations.
The "Color Identification Tool" installed in the VTV-9000 allows you to inspect whether the registered color matches the color tone within the inspection area. It is possible to identify not only single colors but also two-color striped patterns.
There are no restrictions on the colors that can be inspected, and lead wires of multiple colors (up to a mixture of two colors) can also be inspected. Up to 100 colors can be registered.
The main applications of the "Color Identification Tool" are "comparison" and "distinguishing" functions.
■ Comparison: Compare whether the registered color and the color in the inspection area are the same.
■ Distinguishing: Determine the registered color that is closest to the color tone in the inspection area
Functions can be arranged according to inspection items and conditions. It can be applied not only to lead wires but also to products of various shapes if the inspection is to identify the color.
<Color inspection application examples>
・Wire harness (flat cable)
・Fuse box
・Junction box