An inspection algorithm for registering the correct good.
By the production condition change, even the good item shows somewhat variation in the surface color, the cut surface conditions, and the molded surface conditions. Deffinder ® is a software with an inspection algorithm that assumes such a variability.
1. Reduces variations in light and shade
The variability of the color condition of the surface appears as a variability of the image density. By normalizing this, as close to the registered good as possible and extract only the defects.
2.Reduces shape variability
The variability on the cutting surface and the forming surface appear as the variability of the outline form. By statistical registration, prevents mis-detection of this outline form part.
Comparison of general and Deffinder ® inspections
For generic inspections:
To accommodate variability due to differences in size and brightness lowers the acceptance threshold. As a result, defective products are judged to be Acceptable and the defective products are to be in the market.
For Visco Deffinder ® ️ Inspection:
This is a collection of examples of workpiece images that are well-kept as statistical data. We can reduce the difference in workpiece shape. And the difference between dark and light. We have a stable job.