YUSHIN PRECISION EQUIPMENT CO., LTD. was founded in 1971 in Higashiyama Ward, Kyoto City. We are developing, manufacturing, and selling equipment and systems that promote the streamlining of plastic injection molding factories and FA, with a focus on the plastic molded product Take-out Robots.
Advanced overseas (USA) for the first time in 1988. In 1996, we opened the Bangkok Representative Office in Thailand (April) and the Shenzhen Representative Office in China (June). Since then, we have opened offices in Indonesia (Jakarta), South Korea (Seoul), Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, India, Mexico, etc. one after another.
The plastic molded product Take-out Robot is designed to take out plastic parts of automobiles and home appliances made by injection molding machines from the mold and release them. The plastic molded product Take-out Robot cannot be used alone, but always utilized as a set with a plastic injection molding machine.
① Take-out speed
② Accuracy (rigidity)
③ Durability
④ Operability (user interface)
If the speed of taking out plastic parts after molding is fast, it will lead to time saving and energy saving.The repetition of the operation of taking out requires high accuracy. Durability. The Take-out Robot is to be used for at least 10 to 15 years. In addition, the simple operability of the user interface, which anyone can easily handle, leads to improved work efficiency.
YUSHIN PRECISION EQUIPMENT's plastic molded product Take-out Robot is not the lowest price in the industry. Looking at the initial cost alone, it is not cheap, but if you look at the product's usage period of 10 to 15 years, we are proud to be manufacturing the product that makes you think, "We’re glad we have chosen YUSHIN PRECISION EQUIPMENT's product."
Our main users of plastic molded product Take-out Robots are automobile manufacturers, home appliance manufacturers, and primary and secondary suppliers. When I was assigned to Thailand in 2010, all the projects were for the simple task of taking out parts from an injection molding machine. As the minimum wage has risen many times and labor costs have soared, that has also required the Take-out Robots to be multi-functional.
Therefore, we are proposing to customers in Thailand plastic mold Take-out Robots that contribute to more advanced automation, such as the automation of gate cutting (cutting the gate created when resin is poured into the mold with a nipper)
For streamlining and promoting of FA on plastic injection molding factories, please leave them to us.