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  • Customer support characterized by Japanese politeness and promptness! Introducing the back office of Takamaz Machinery Europe

Customer support characterized by Japanese politeness and promptness! Introducing the back office of Takamaz Machinery Europe

Samurai Asia Editorial Department

▲ From left: Mr. Honda, Vice President; Ms. Okubo, Parts Procurement; Ms. Yamami, Sales Assistant; Mr. Kawazumi, Service Engineer

Takamaz Machine Europe sells and provides services for TAKAMAZ brand precision lathes for the European market. At the end of September 2024, new Japanese staff members joined the back-office team. In this interview, we spoke with Ms. Yamami, who is responsible for handling a wide range of customer support operations, including accounting and machine inventory management.

Back office supporting Takamaz Machinery users in Europe. Supporting transportation operations by utilizing her experience at a forwarder

As a Sales Assistant, Ms. Yamami is in charge of back-office operations such as post-order machine delivery support as well as tasks such as accounting and general affairs. Although she has no experience in the industry, she applies her experience and knowledge from her previous position at a forwarding company to contribute to the customer support efforts at Takamaz Machinery Europe.

As a Sales Assistant, she concurrently manages tasks such as the following:
・Management and correspondence of order forms (accounting tasks)
・Machine delivery requests and document management
・Business coordination with agents (dealers)
・Communication support between customers and the head office in Japan
・Parts procurement operation support (import/export management)
・General affairs related tasks

“I mainly handle accounting and machinery delivery-related work at a 50-50 ratio; however, I also assist with parts procurement task. During my previous job at the forwarding company, I was involved in aviation-related export/import tasks. So, I feel that I can respond quickly to any troubles during transportation, thanks to the knowledge I gained from that experience." (Ms. Yamami)

Since transportation problems can have a significant impact on delivery schedules, the key to early resolution is determining to which department and what information to provide when an issue occurs. In order to prevent problems from occurring, we always strive to respond promptly in our communication with suppliers and other internal and external parties.

Aiming to improve customer satisfaction in the European market

In addition to Germany, where the company has its base, it also serves as a point of contact for machinery delivery and related matters with multinational dealers in Italy, France, England, Portugal, Poland, Switzerland, and other countries.

“I believe that the polite and quick communication that is unique to the Japanese is a strength that other European machine manufacturers do not have. Machine tools, which are often used for a long time after purchase, are products where the quality of after-sales support is particularly important. We will continue to strive for speedy responses and aim to build a strong relationship of trust with our customers by expanding our expertise. We will endeavor to make the presence of our back office one of the reasons why customers choose Takamaz Machinery.'' (Ms. Yamami)

Mayuko Yamami
Born in Yamaguchi Prefecture
Joined TAKAMAZ MACHINERY EUROPE GmbH in September 2023
In charge of a wide range of back-office operations such as accounting, general affairs, machinery delivery, and inventory management.
Has experience working for an aviation forwarder.

If you are looking for a TAKAMAZ CNC precision lathe in Germany or Europe, or have other inquiries such as after-sales support, please feel free to contact us using the form below.

Inquiry Form

Please feel free to contact us from the form as below.

We accept by phone and email.

KOA-SHA (THAILAND) (hereinafter referred to as the "Company" or "We"), in the variety of services provided by the Company (hereinafter referred to as the "Services"), established the following privacy policy (hereinafter referred to as the "Policy").

Definition of Personal Information

The term "Personal Information" as used in this Policy, means information about a living individual which can identify the specific individual, including name, date of birth, and other descriptions (including other information that can be easily matched to identify a specific individual).

Acquisition of Personal Information

We acquire personal information by legally fair means.

Use of Personal Information

The Company shall use personal information for the purpose of business as necessary within the scope of the following.

  • To deliver optimized information to the individual user of the Service.
  • To help improve the quality of the Service by statistical analysis.
  • In response to inquiry in regard to the Service.
  • To conduct questionnaires regarding the Service.
  • To send information regarding campaigns and new products by the Company.
  • Other purposes associated with the abovementioned purposes of use.
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The Company will not provide personal information to any third party without obtaining prior consent by the individual concerned, except as required by applicable laws and regulations.

In addition, the Company may access personal information and disclose it to third parties in the following cases.

  • Under Prior Consent of the Individual User Concerned
  • When the disclosure of personal information is required by law or judicial court, judicial orders, decisions and instructions based on laws and regulations of government agencies.
  • When reasonable measures are necessary to defend the rights or property of the Company.
  • When the disclosure of personal information is necessary to protect the lives, bodies or property of the Company, user(s), or public, and it is difficult to obtain the individual’s consent at the time.
  • When cooperation is necessary with a national or local government organization, or a business operator entrusted by such an organization in executing affairs under laws and regulations, and in which obtaining the consent of the user(s) is likely to impede the execution of the affairs.
  • In statistical data in which the disclosure or provision does not identify the user’s identity.
Management of Personal Information
  • The Company will maintain the accuracy of personal information and manage it safely.
  • The Company will take appropriate security measures to prevent the loss, destruction, tampering or leakage of personal information.
  • The Company will take precautionary measures against the loss, destruction, tampering, and leakage of personal information through appropriate system maintenance of the operating system and education of employees.
Request for Notification, Disclosure, Correction, Suspension of Use of Personal Information

In the case the Company receives request from the individual user regarding the disclosure, correction, addition, deletion, suspension of use, or erasure of personal information, stoppage of use by a third party or notification of use, after confirmation that the requester is the individual user, the Company will respond without delay in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act.

Note that in the case that the request does not meet the requirements stipulated by the Personal Data Protection Act, or the reason to reject such request is permitted by the Personal Data Protection Act or other laws and regulations, the request may not be fulfilled.

In addition, there is no payment required or fees associated with the request for disclosure by the individual user. However, the cost of communication from the individual user to the Company, transportation expenses, and expenses associated with the preparation of materials for the purposes of individual identification will be the responsibility of the individual user.

Revision of Privacy Policy

The Company will review the operational status of the handling of personal information and make efforts for continuous improvement, and may change the Policy as necessary. After such changes to the Policy, the Policy will be published on the Company’s website.


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Established October 01, 2021

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