reducing power consumption and CO2 emissions. It optimizes pump operation based on factors such as chip volume and tool characteristics during machining, automatically minimizing unnecessary energy consumption. This reduces environmental impact while cutting operational costs.
【Main Features】
・Automatic stop and restart of the coolant pump
・Optimization of pump operation based on chip volume
・Simple operability for centralized management of coolant pump operation
・No special training required for implementation
・Detailed pump control settings based on each tool and machining task
・Up to approximately 41% reduction in power consumption (based on proven data)
・Achieves reduction in CO₂ emissions and cost savings
【Example of Effectiveness】
Machining Scenario: EV converter case (3 minutes of machining)
・Without control: 0.140kW
・Using GCCP: 0.083kW
・Reduction: 0.057kW (approximately 41% reduction)