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  • A Structure Centered on Thai Engineers with Precise Support of Japanese Engineers! Solving the Challenges of FA and Automation System Implementation in Thailand!!

A Structure Centered on Thai Engineers with Precise Support of Japanese Engineers! Solving the Challenges of FA and Automation System Implementation in Thailand!!

Wanlop Sornjai
Sale Engineer Manager
Engineering Development Dept.

Robot system

▲ Robotic system

One of the strengths of Kuroitsu (Thailand) lies in the wealth of experience of our Thai engineers, many of whom have been with the company for over 10 years. They play a central role in realizing the automation systems required by our customers. We provide one-stop service (Japanese and Thai) from design, manufacturing to installation.

อุปกรณ์สำหรับตัดครีบประเภทต่างๆของบริษัท KUROITSU

▲ Various deburring tools from Kuroitsu

One of my roles involves sharing knowledge with Thai technicians. When selecting various components such as actuators and sensors for automation systems, technical documentation is often detailed in Japanese or English but is largely absent or completely lacking in Thai. By thoroughly researching hard-to-find information for Thai engineers and sharing it with the entire team, we can ensure appropriate and expedited specification selection.

Many of our Thai technicians have been involved in engineering work at Kuroitsu (Thailand) for over 10 years and are highly experienced. They are well-versed in past cases and play a pivotal role in showcasing our company's advanced technical capabilities.

▲ Staff of Kuroitsu (Thailand). With MD Koiwai is on the far right in the front row.

Taking on Various New Challenges in Thai Automation Systems Every Day

No two requests for automation systems that we undertake from our customers are exactly alike. Especially in projects involving modifications to existing equipment, we often lack detailed information about the existing setup, necessitating thorough on-site preliminary investigations. In some cases, the drawings and data are only available in Japanese. In situations where it is difficult for Thai engineers to analyze information alone, Japanese engineers can provide support to ensure reliable information collection and analysis. Our experience and technical capabilities are put to the test in each project.

Kuroitsu (Thailand) Automation Achievements

Robot system
・Conveyance handling
・Image processing picking
・2D code reading
Conveyance systems
・2D vision robot handling
・Gantry loader
・Mobile robot
Inspection devices
・Appearance inspection (image processing/visual assistance)
・Length measurement
・Weight measurement
・Weight measurement
・Assembly inspection

In order to maximize the return on investment within the customer's limited budget, we will thoroughly collect and organize information through interviews before deciding on a concept. Even without using high-spec (and thus expensive) machines, we select equipment that fits the budget constraints and offer the best possible proposal.

If you are looking for automation of production and manufacturing processes (FA), cost performance optimization, or improvement of work processes in Thailand, please consult with Kuroitsu (Thailand).

▲ From left: Wanlop, and Yoshida

Kazuhiro Yoshida
Department General Manager / Engineering Development Dept.

2013 Joined Kuroitsu (Thailand)
Previously engaged in quality control and factory management in Malaysia

If you are looking for deburring machines, robots, conveyance, inspection, or other factory automation systems in Thailand, please contact us using the form below.

Inquiry Form

Please feel free to contact us from the form as below.

We accept by phone and email.

KOA-SHA (THAILAND) (hereinafter referred to as the "Company" or "We"), in the variety of services provided by the Company (hereinafter referred to as the "Services"), established the following privacy policy (hereinafter referred to as the "Policy").

Definition of Personal Information

The term "Personal Information" as used in this Policy, means information about a living individual which can identify the specific individual, including name, date of birth, and other descriptions (including other information that can be easily matched to identify a specific individual).

Acquisition of Personal Information

We acquire personal information by legally fair means.

Use of Personal Information

The Company shall use personal information for the purpose of business as necessary within the scope of the following.

  • To deliver optimized information to the individual user of the Service.
  • To help improve the quality of the Service by statistical analysis.
  • In response to inquiry in regard to the Service.
  • To conduct questionnaires regarding the Service.
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In addition, the Company may access personal information and disclose it to third parties in the following cases.

  • Under Prior Consent of the Individual User Concerned
  • When the disclosure of personal information is required by law or judicial court, judicial orders, decisions and instructions based on laws and regulations of government agencies.
  • When reasonable measures are necessary to defend the rights or property of the Company.
  • When the disclosure of personal information is necessary to protect the lives, bodies or property of the Company, user(s), or public, and it is difficult to obtain the individual’s consent at the time.
  • When cooperation is necessary with a national or local government organization, or a business operator entrusted by such an organization in executing affairs under laws and regulations, and in which obtaining the consent of the user(s) is likely to impede the execution of the affairs.
  • In statistical data in which the disclosure or provision does not identify the user’s identity.
Management of Personal Information
  • The Company will maintain the accuracy of personal information and manage it safely.
  • The Company will take appropriate security measures to prevent the loss, destruction, tampering or leakage of personal information.
  • The Company will take precautionary measures against the loss, destruction, tampering, and leakage of personal information through appropriate system maintenance of the operating system and education of employees.
Request for Notification, Disclosure, Correction, Suspension of Use of Personal Information

In the case the Company receives request from the individual user regarding the disclosure, correction, addition, deletion, suspension of use, or erasure of personal information, stoppage of use by a third party or notification of use, after confirmation that the requester is the individual user, the Company will respond without delay in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act.

Note that in the case that the request does not meet the requirements stipulated by the Personal Data Protection Act, or the reason to reject such request is permitted by the Personal Data Protection Act or other laws and regulations, the request may not be fulfilled.

In addition, there is no payment required or fees associated with the request for disclosure by the individual user. However, the cost of communication from the individual user to the Company, transportation expenses, and expenses associated with the preparation of materials for the purposes of individual identification will be the responsibility of the individual user.

Revision of Privacy Policy

The Company will review the operational status of the handling of personal information and make efforts for continuous improvement, and may change the Policy as necessary. After such changes to the Policy, the Policy will be published on the Company’s website.


Please address inquiries regarding the Company’s use of personal information to

Established October 01, 2021

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