Automatic insert molding system|A Take-out Robot performs complex operations with a positioning accuracy of ±0.1mm20/09/2022
Automatic gate cutting by a Take-out Robot | High-precision equipment and high skilled by Thai technical team to use automation of injection molding20/09/2022
[New product] Sales launch of ‘SD Series’ take-out robot for plastic injection molding machines in Thailand!20/05/2021
Speaking of Take-out Robots for plastic injection molding machines, it is ‘YUSHIN PRECISION EQUIPMENT’, expanding territories to various parts of the world such as Asia, America, and Europe02/02/2021
Speaking of Take-out Robots for plastic injection molding machines, it is ‘YUSHIN PRECISION EQUIPMENT’, expanding territories to various parts of the world such as Asia, America, and Europe02/02/2021
Automatic insert molding system|A Take-out Robot performs complex operations with a positioning accuracy of ±0.1mm20/09/2022
Automatic gate cutting by a Take-out Robot | High-precision equipment and high skilled by Thai technical team to use automation of injection molding20/09/2022
[New product] Sales launch of ‘SD Series’ take-out robot for plastic injection molding machines in Thailand!20/05/2021