Air leak tester ‘EV Series,’ EV exclusive air leak tester is now on sale in Thailand! Vol.211/01/2023Product & Service Introduction
Air leak tester ‘EV Series,’ EV exclusive air leak tester is now on sale in Thailand! Vol.111/01/2023Product & Service Introduction
Leak testing, Article 4, Effect of temperature on leak testing30/05/2022Product & Service Introduction
Leak testing, Article 3, the formula for calculating the rate of leakage and the importance of volume in leak testing30/05/2022Product & Service Introduction
Leak testing, Article 2, the principle of the pressure difference test using The COSMOWAVE machine30/05/2022Product & Service Introduction
Products of CASTEC, a custom-made manufacturing company for core pins and inserts, have now launched in Thailand24/03/2021Product & Service Introduction
COSMOWAVE with how to handle and service availability under the coronavirus situation (COVID-19)09/08/2020Product & Service Introduction
Cosmowave recommended! New Signal Analysis System Movelet MV-6000B series09/08/2020Product & Service Introduction
【Product・Service】 high performance test system to analyze sounds and vibrations “Movelet”! Started total support by the specialized team (Cosmowave THAILAND)23/10/2019Product & Service Introduction
''Our mission is to provide high-quality service!'' Cosmowave’s recommended products and episodes of solving customer’s problems! 【Leak test machine】23/10/2019Product & Service Introduction